Epiroc proudly supports women in the workplace

Epiroc opened its doors to welcome 27 female learners to experience corporate office life as part of the Cell C Take a Girl Child to Work initiative.

Placing focus on inclusivity and diversity, learners were invited from three schools in Gauteng; seven learners from Strathyre Girls Home in Kensington and ten learners each from Ponego Secondary School in Katlehong and Benoni-based Willowmoore High School arrived at Epiroc’s Jet Park office filled with excitement and curiosity for what the day would hold.

Epiroc employees endeavoured to ensure that Thursday 24 May would be nothing less than inspirational so that the young ladies will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and motivation to help them reach their goals. The agenda, carefully planned in partnership with Reality Wellness Group, kicked off with a healthy breakfast, followed by a motivational presentation by Candice Janks. Candice, who is a Psychologist at Reality Wellness Group, placed emphasis on building self-esteem, setting of goals and identifying career choices, vital life skills that will assist the young women in their educational, home and work space. “Girls need to be able to understand their strengths, weaknesses and what their greatest abilities are to aid them in achieving their goals.” She encouraged the girls to go after their dreams regardless of the life challenges they will face. “You are uniquely special. There is nothing more powerful than believing in yourself!” motivates Candice.

The learners were encouraged to bring their personal goals to life by creating a vision board made up of photos and words aligned to their dreams. Reality Wellness Group Operations Manager, Angie Bazan, was present every step of the way, guiding the girls to discover their physical, mental and spiritual strengths. “This task is greatly beneficial as it assists the learners in choosing their future career paths,” comments Angie. The girls unleashed their creativity and designed some amazing boards!

Francinah Moloi, an educator at Ponego Secondary School says she believes that the girls will grow up caring for themselves and will achieve their goals. “The girls I selected are all top grade 10 and 11 students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. The day out was good for the girls to learn not only about the corporate world, but to know their strengths and abilities and to pursue their dreams without fear,” comments Francinah who expressed her thanks to Epiroc for selecting her school to participate in this inspiring initiative.

Ponego Secondary School grade 11 learner, Amahle Mabope, who is planning to attend Wits University and become an electrical engineer, says she enjoyed creating the vision boards the most. “I am a shy person and I learned that you need confidence. Thanks to Epiroc I have learnt to believe in myself. The sky is the limit. Nothing can stop you if you just trust in yourself. My self-esteem is high now. I enjoyed it a lot.”

Caroline Obezie, a child care worker at Strathyre Girls Home, says that the day has set a foundation for the girls. “I hope that the girls learn to be more positive about themselves, understand their needs and how to set goals and achieve them. The girls do not have a sense of belonging or feel wanted but after today I hope that they know that they have a place in the world and with hard work they can achieve anything. I am so proud because they are interacting and learning.” Thanking Epiroc for inviting them to participate in this wonderful initiative,  Caroline adds that the girls will take all that they have learnt and carry it with them for the rest of their lives.

After a quick photo session and scrumptious lunch, the learners gathered for the final inspirational presentation of the day by Kathryn Coetzer, Regional Communications and Academy Manager, Epiroc South Africa Pty Ltd. Kathryn shared a special inspirational message with the learners reminding them that everyone is different, each with their own unique skills and goals. “My aim is to inspire these young women so that they embrace all that they have learnt and leave here today enthused to go out and reach for their dreams.”

Learners having fun while making their vision boards

Ponego Secondary School learners with educators Francinah Moloi (front far right) & Eggy Mofokeng & Angie Bazan Reality Wellness (far left)

Strathyre Girls Home showing off their inner creativity on their individually designed vision boards

Amahle Mabope from Ponego Secondary School displaying her vision board.

Kathryn Coetzer, Regional Communications & Academy Manager, Epiroc sharing a special inspirational message with the learners