Eight picks from four experts

In two weeks, four of today’s top experts in the metals and mining sector are gathering at the inaugural Metals Investment Forum to introduce some of their best bets for profiting in the upcoming turnaround.

Join Eric Coffin of HRA Advisories, John Kaiser of Kaiser Research Online, Gwen Preston of Resource Maven, and Brien Lundin of Gold Newsletter at the Metals Investor Forum.

When: Saturday, May 30th, 2015 from 9am-4pm
Where: Pan Pacific Hotel in downtown Vancouver, 999 Canada Place
Cost: Free to Attend with Pre-Registration

We are only opening up a limited number of seats to the Metals Investor Forum to non-subscribers. Register soon if you would like to attend. Please only register if you are serious about showing up!

A preview of some of their top picks…

From Gwen Preston, The Resource Maven:

Kaminak Gold’s Coffee project in the Yukon offers everything an asset needs to become a mine.

It has 2.5 million oz. of oxide gold resource. The gold sits in coherent, near-surface bodies that would be easy to open-pit mine. Metallurgy is easy; basic heap leaching should recover 94% of the gold. It is in an area of gentle topography, where roads are inexpensive to build and mine engineering is not complicated. The nearby Yukon River means fuel and equipment can be barged to site. Kaminak has good relations with the local First Nations and all land claims are settled. The resource continues to grow.

Two significant and savvy investors — Ross Beaty and Lukas Lundin — recently bought large positions in the company. Kaminak is pushing to complete a feasibility study by early next year and has the cash to do so…but the company better hurry, because this is a stock that has “Takeout Target” written all over it. Majors with depleted project pipelines are looking for near-development assets offering economic ounces in supportive jurisdictions and requiring straightforward engineering — and Coffee has all of that in spades.

Pilot Gold has a top-notch technical team, three large and promising assets, money in the bank, and a focus on increasing value for shareholders.

In Nevada, the company is proving its geologic theory right at Kinsley Mountain by finding high-grade gold in geologic units previously thought barren. In Turkey, Pilot has two projects joint-ventured with Teck Resources: Halilaga is a near-development asset with good economics and TV Tower is an exploration package where Pilot has discovered three large porphyries and several other mineralized zones. Initial resource estimates for Kinsley Mountain and TV Tower later this year will show the market how much value Pilot has created during the bear years.

And when the resource markets get back into gear, majors will start scrambling to acquire big projects that are sensible to build and Pilot Gold will be in many sights.

From Eric Coffin, Hard Rock Advisory

Lion One Metals has received all permits required for production at its high-grade Tuvatu gold project in Fiji.

Tuvatu hosts a gold resource of 300,000 Indicated ounces at 8.5 g/t and 468,000 Inferred ounces at 9.7 g/t. The resource is open in multiple directions and there are several nearby prospects with similar grades and widths that still require drilling. Management has direct experience managing a number of mine start-ups and building value in companies that were subject to billion-dollar-plus buyouts.

Lion One is planning a low capital cost mining operation at Tuvatu. Hear from management and find out how this tightly held company could quickly become a low cash cost gold producer.

GoldQuest Mining just released a very impressive PEA on its Romero gold/copper resource in the Dominican Republic.

Management has previously developed and built a successful mine in the DR and knows how to push Romero through to production. In addition to Romero, GoldQuest controls a large land position in the Tireo Gold Belt that is the company’s discovery.

Work will continue on outside prospects as Romero is moved forward, giving the company discovery potential in addition to the potential to gain as Romero is advanced. Management will share its plans with you at the Metals Investor Forum.

Nevsun Resources has one of the world’s most successful base metal mines at Bisha and has been a prodigious cash generator because of it.

The company will become a significant zinc producer next year. Ongoing exploration at the nearby Harena discovery has been reporting spectacular copper-zinc intercepts. There should be more news on that front and updates on the zinc circuit construction.

With over half a billion in working capital, almost all of it cash, Nevsun has high potential to be an acquirer in the space or the target of a takeover itself. Get the latest updates and news from management one on one at the Metals Investor Forum.

From John Kaiser, Kaiser Research Online

Sabina Gold & Silver is updating the feasibility study on its Back River project, which boasts a 7 million ounce+ gold resource, 5 million of that Measured and Indicated, at grades of 5 g/t or more.

Sixty percent of the resource is open pittable. It is one of only a handful of projects controlled by a junior capable of producing 200,000-300,000 ounces per year over a long mine life in a safe political jurisdiction. Sabina controls an entire mineral belt and there are numerous prospects and targets that remain to be tested.

With over $27 million in cash and a feasibility study in hand, Sabina has huge leverage to positive changes in gold prices or market sentiment. Management will discuss some of the important changes in their new feasibility study and the company’s plans going forward.

From Brien Lundin, Gold Newsletter

Balmoral Resources was the best-performing Vancouver-based mining and exploration company in 2014, which is a testament to the company’s focus on creating value by discovering, acquiring, expanding or selling high-grade base and precious metal assets in the Abitibi region of Quebec and Ontario.

The Abitibi is a fantastic jurisdiction, offering infrastructure, expertise, mining history, and geologic opportunity. The area’s geologic potential is apparent in Balmoral’s two main projects: the high-grade Martiniere gold system and the brand new nickel-copper-platinum group elements district at Grasset. Two very different projects, each with major potential.

Fission 3.0 was assembled by the same team that brought you Fission Uranium, one of the world’s most successful uranium explorers and discoverer of Patterson Lake South, the 100 million pound (and growing) uranium discovery in Saskatchewan’s Athabasca Basin.

Fission 3.0 holds 17 uranium exploration projects totalling over 500,000 acres in Saskatchewan, hand-picked by Fission’s world class team and being explored using the same unique mix of technologies and geologic smarts that led to the Patterson Lake discovery. Fission 3.0 has attracted some top flight partners to help it explore and intends to add more joint ventures to spread the exploration risk and minimize future dilution for Fission 3.0 shareholders. Several projects will be drilled during 2015.

Hear from these companies firsthand on May 30th.

Learn about their latest achievements and what they have planned this year…ask management your hardest questions…discover why one or more of the host newsletter writers supports each story.

Click Here to Register Now!

Why hold this event at the start of the “slow” summer trading season? Because the best resource explorers spend the summer months drilling — and revealing exploration results. Many of the presenting companies are approaching major news milestones. Learn their stories before the market realizes just how much potential these companies offer.

It will be a busy day. A small group of companies, handpicked for their growth potential, will take you through their assets and upcoming plans. All of the companies invited are currently featured in HRA Advisories, Resource Maven, Gold Newsletter and/or Kaiser Research Online.

John Kaiser, Brien Lundin, Eric Coffin and Gwen Preston will also step up to the podium during the day to discuss the current market, commodity outlooks, and trading tactics designed to help you make money today. Between sets of presentations you will be given ample opportunity to talk to the newsletter writers and company management over catered breaks.

The Newsletter Writers

The Metals Investor Forum was founded to unite the expertise of four of the best newsletter writers in the mining industry.

Eric Coffin has been publishing HRA Advisories for 20 years; this has given him the experience to identify market trends early and to understand exactly what a company needs to be successful.

John Kaiser is known as one of the best “chart guys” in the industry. His extensive understanding of complex market systems allows him to provide highly rational speculation to subscribers of Kaiser Research Online.

Gwen Preston launched Resource Maven after spending almost a decade writing about resource investing, most of it as a senior writer at The Northern Miner. Her subscribers benefit from the first-hand knowledge that she developed through years of visiting projects and interviewing geologists, analysts and management teams.

Brien Lundin is the editor and publisher of Gold Newsletter, a leading precious metals and resource stock advisory publication since 1971. He is also host of the famed New Orleans Investment Conference, the oldest and most respected investment conference around.

Resource Maven finds and explains the news that matters every day in the world of resource exploration and development.
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