Ecoult takes Australian UltraBattery® technology into the European grid of the future

EcoultRespected German specialist in renewable systems and power converter manufacturer, Freqcon, has selected Ecoult to provide battery storage for its Tallaght Smart Grid Testbed,which is operated by MEGA, the Irish Micro Electricity Generation Association. The system will show how a combination of energy storage and smart power electronics can minimize electricity distribution issues and grid instability in a micro grid.
Norbert Hennchen, CEO of Freqcon, said, “The market for grid-tied energy storage systems is growing, and fast frequency response is a valuable system service to the grid. Ecoult`s hybrid lead-acid UltraBattery is a very promising technology in this space and we are excited to partner with Ecoult and deploy the first unit in Europe“

The UltraBattery system, combined with the Freqcon power converters will demonstrate that energy storage can provide “synthetic inertia”, competing with and outperforming existing fossil fuel balancing resources. The battery storage paired with an advanced power conversion system will establish that the UltraBattery system is capable of delivering system services in accordance with Ireland’s DS3 grid standard.

Ecoult was selected because of its ground-breaking technology, proven in the US grid market, where Ecoult has pioneered its hybrid lead-acid UltraBattery as a leading technology for fast-cycling, high-rate, partial state of charge functions. The UltraBattery is manufactured in the U.S.A. by leading manufacturer and Ecoult’s parent company East Penn Manufacturing.

“The UltraBattery is a hybrid technology,” Ecoult CEO John Wood explained. “It contains both battery chemistry and ultracapacitor technology built into each cell. This Australian invention has the safety, sustainability and dependability of lead-acid, and has been shown to outperform other battery chemistries in similar applications. Since the technology is built on a proven and safe lead-acid platform, UltraBattery cells are recyclable and we’re delighted that Freqcon has chosen to partner with our technology and storage system.” he said.

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