Kodal Minerals’ Mali lithium mine remains on track for Q1 2025 production
Once in production, the Bougouni project will become the first lithium mine in Mali.
[gview file=”https://mining.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Ebola_2.pdf”]
There is a problem with this information – transmission through the air is an obvious pathway to get this disease. It is able to survive on both wet and dry surfaces so obviously it survives in water droplets from coughs, etc. Canadian research also reported this means of transmission. When medical persons are getting the virus from treating Ubola patients (now 2 nurses from one patient) then the level of protection used was insufficient and that is because it was based on a false assumption.
I wonder if the myth of drinking salty water is derived from the statement made by the now president of S. Africa that a shower is a cure for HIV??