CRIRSCO membership growth continues

Global efforts by the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO) to promote greater trust in mineral resource estimates took another step forward recently with the admission of Indonesia into its ranks.

Admitted in a ceremony at CRIRSCO’ s eleventh annual meeting held in Jogjakarta, Indonesia becomes the eleventh member – joining Australasia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Western Europe, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, South Africa and the United States. Indonesia’s national reporting organisation, KOMBERS, is a committee made up of the Indonesian Society of Geologists (IAGI) and the Association of Indonesian Mining Professionals (PERHAPI).

To meet the membership requirements, KOMBERS developed the Komite Cadangan Mineral Indonesian (KCMI) Code 2017 as the reporting code compliant with the CRIRSCO Template, according to CRIRSCO chairman Ian Goddard.

“KOMBERS also established procedures for the registration of Competent Persons in Indonesia, and put in place a Code of Ethics with provisions for disciplining the members of IAGI and PERHAPI,” said Goddard.

In other progress at this CRIRSCO meeting, a number of potential new members – including India, China, Philippines, Turkey and the Kyrgyz Republic – outlined their progress in meeting membership criteria. The aim of the organisation is to help the mining industry earn and maintain investor trust by promoting high standards of reporting of mineral resources and reserves, and of exploration results.