Collaboration and Communication at MICROMINE’s Regional Manager’s Week

As a global business with offices located all over the world, collaborating across different countries and time zones can be difficult. Language barriers and cultural differences can also provide challenges for a global workforce like MICROMINE.

To increase collaboration across the business, the annual MICROMINE Regional Manager’s Week was held last week where managers from across the globe spent a week of knowledge sharing, idea generation and team building. The week-long event took place at MICROMINE’s headquarters in Perth.

Global Marketing Manager Kate Gilbey sees communication and collaboration as a key outcome of the week.

“Having our regional managers in the same room at the same time is invaluable to the business. It allows us to further enhance communication and collaboration across our global team” Ms. Gilbey commented.

The Regional Manager’s Week provides a rare opportunity for MICROMINE’s senior leadership team to spend valuable time together to review the previous 12 months and also discuss the future direction of the business. The week included a busy schedule of product and sales presentations, strategy workshops and networking events.

The week kicked off with a bang with the 3rd annual MICROMINE Lawn Bowls tournament and sundowner event which provides a great opportunity for the regional managers to catch up in a relaxed environment.

The Advisory Board Panel Discussion was held at the University of Western Australia on Wednesday evening. Advisory Board members Mitchell Hooke and John McGagh, as well as MICROMINE Chairman Alan Broome and MICROMINE Founder, Graeme Tuder, discussed innovation and the future of the mining industry. MICROMINE staff also had the opportunity to ask a series of questions to the panel members which generated some interesting discussions.

The panel sessions are a regular event on the MICROMINE calendar and having access to an Advisory Board of that caliber it great for the business.

“It was an extremely productive week with a lot of discussion around innovation, product development and people. It’s an exciting time for MICROMINE with a lot of new and innovative projects happening around the globe” Ms. Gilbey added.

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