Boart Longyear’s TruScan™ technology recognized for Premier’s Award

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah — Boart Longyear’s innovative onsite core and chip scanning technology—TruScan™—has been awarded the Premier’s Award in the Mining Equipment, Technology, and Services (METS) sector for Excellence in Innovation: Productivity Improvement.

The award was presented during the Premier’s Awards ceremony in Adelaide, Australia on 30 November 2018. The Premier’s Awards in Energy and Mining are organized by the Government of South Australia’s Department for Energy and Mining. Each year, the department recognizes areas of excellence demonstrated by leading resources and energy sector companies and organizations in the areas of diversity, working with communities, and innovation.

Peter Kanck, Senior Manager of Technology Development & Integration, who accepted the award on behalf of Boart Longyear, said, “It’s an honor to be part of this exciting technology and to see TruScan recognized for the positive impact it is making on the mining community.”

Peter Kanck of Boart Longyear receiving the Premier’s Award with congratulations from Tim Whetstone MP – Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development

Boart Longyear’s TruScan technology is able to scan and photograph a full tray of core and provide geochemical data within 25 minutes of the core being brought out of the ground. Normally, analysis involves collecting core on pallets, transporting it to the laboratory, and then the laboratory schedules the core for analysis. Once core analysis is complete, the results are returned back to the geologist which can take days to months. Because TruScan delivers geological data results onsite the same day, the turnaround is dramatically shortened and substantial cost savings are realized for both exploration and mining companies.

TruScan is already being used in exploration activities in Australia and Canada with plans to roll out in other parts of the world. The company offers TruScan as an independent service to mining clients or the technology can be bundled as a part of a drilling services agreement.


About Boart Longyear

Established in 1890, Boart Longyear is the world’s leading provider of productivity solutions for diamond coring exploration, reverse circulation, large rotary, mine dewatering, oil sands exploration, production and sonic drilling services. The Company also manufactures, markets, and services reliable drill rigs, drill string products, innovative down-hole instrumentation tools, and quality parts.

Boart Longyear is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in Sydney, Australia (ASX:BLY). More information about Boart Longyear can be found at