BC Mining Industry Partners Launch Votemining.ca

April 15, 2013  Today, the Mining Association of BC (MABC), the Mining Suppliers Association of BC (MSABC), the Association for Mineral Exploration BC (AME BC), and the Coal Association of Canada (CAC) have launched a “Vote Mining” campaign to coincide with the start of the 2013 BC provincial election.   Through the campaign website www.votemining.ca, the Vote Mining coalition is encouraging British Columbians to join us in asking candidates how they will support a strong and vibrant exploration, mining and mineral processing industry in British Columbia.

Votemining.ca makes it easy for British Columbians to identify their candidates and communicate their support for the mining industry. For example, by using the website’s “Take Action” tool users can within minutes create and email a letter addressed to candidates in their electoral district.  Votemining.ca also contains mining industry fact sheets, a “voter toolkit” of resources, and information on local and provincial debates.

Mining supports jobs and families in communities across our province.  BC has 21 major mines, over 30 industrial mineral producers, 2 smelters and over 350 exploration projects.  There are also over 900 companies in BC that provide supplies and services to mining operations.  In 2010 the BC mining industry supported over 37,000 well-paying direct and indirect jobs.  In 2011 it provided $9.9 billion to the BC economy and $805 million in payments to government to support important social programs, including education and healthcare.  BC mines also provide the minerals and metals we need for every-day life.  Computers, bicycles, transit systems and hydroelectric energy transmission would not be possible without mining.

The mining industry will continue to play a key role in the economy of BC into the coming years if government and industry work together to support a strong exploration, mining and mineral processing industry that is committed to safety and leadership in environmental stewardship.  The Vote Mining coalition urges all British Columbians to let their candidates know how important the mining sector is to our province before Election Day and “Vote Mining” on May 14.