Antofagasta increased copper production by 11.5% in 3Q 2012 thanks to its Esperanza mine

Antofagasta Minerals recorded production of 515,800 tons of copper for 9M 2012, a 11.5% increase YoY.

The company’s production came from its Los Pelambres, Esperanza, El Tesoro and Michilla mines.

For 3Q 2012, Antofagasta Minerals’ production reached 179,8000 tons, a 3.8% increase compared to 2Q 2012, due to increased production at the Esperanza mine.

The company’s copper production is expected to reach 700,000 tons in 2012.

Gold production from the Esperanza and Los Pelambres mines reached 213,500 ounces in 9M 2012.

For the first nine months of 2012, Los Pelambre produced 296,000 tons of copper (a 0.5% decrease YoY), Esperanza produced 113,700 tons (a 109% increase YoY), El Tesoro achieved 78,200 tons (a 12.2% increase YoY) and Michilla produced 27,800 tons (a 13.1% decrease YoY).

Source (Spanish): Portal Minero via BrightWire News.