ABB releases its Cloud-ready CCLAS 6, the leading laboratory information management system for mining and metal processing

CCLAS* 6 is the latest release of the Enterprise Software product group’s laboratory information management system (LIMS). Building on the rich heritage and mature capabilities of its predecessors, CCLAS 6 is a LIMS for the modern laboratory, with a simple and intuitive web interface that can be easily personalized by end users. User-friendly charts, icons and color-coding put key data at the forefront, enabling lab operators and managers to readily see issues that require immediate attention.

As a web-based application, CCLAS 6.0 is designed and optimized for the cloud. There is no hardware to buy and no infrastructure to maintain, thereby lowering the total cost of ownership. The appliance deployment model means implementation is simple and straightforward.

The simplified architecture of CCLAS 6.0 also makes it highly scalable. It’s easy to add more samples, more users, even more laboratories; customers can readily stand up new laboratories for campaigns or projects, or create test environments to train users, all according to established corporate standards. Unlike de-centralized approaches, this enables centralized corporate governance across multiple operations like never before. From sample registration, through the sample processing lifecycle, to the generation of high-quality analytical reports, CCLAS enables a laboratory, or group of laboratories, to standardize and streamline processing, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

* CCLAS stands for Comlabs Computerized Laboratory Analysis System

CCLAS website

Read the brochure.