A TEC Rocket Mill® installation at RDF production plant in Austria

A TEC Rocket Mill®

A TEC Rocket Mill®

To optimize the production of highly caloric residue-derived fuels for the cement industry the Austrian company .A.S.A. will install A TEC’s Rocket Mill® in their treatment plant in Wr. Neustadt. After an erection time of six month the future fuel products will be supplied with an output size of max. 15mm, 50% < 5mm (depending on the material) and can be easily adapted to the optimum size for the client’s pyro-process. Mainly produced by A TEC Plant Construction in Eberstein the mill will have a capacity of 7-9 t/h and is going to be put into operation in August 2016.

A TEC Rocket Mill®

The A TEC Rocket Mill® is an innovation for alternative fuel preparation which combines drying and grinding in one step. The machine is equipped with two grinding chambers which can be independently loaded. Permanent control of the mill power guarantees optimum and secure utilization. The input material usually only requires one pre-shredding step followed by a sieving step, which is sorting out the organic,and a magnetic separation.

Interchangeable perforated screens will adapt the size of the final product to the optimum for the customer´s pyro-process. Due to the grinding technology, a drying effect of approx. 10 % is given. Additional drying with process waste gas is possible to achieve a higher drying rate. The ultra-fines are dedusted and also dosed to the kiln system.

About the A TEC Group

A TEC Production & Service GmbH is an engineering and technologies company located in Austria. It is focussed on optimization and efficiency improvement of cement plants. In total, A TEC has successfully completed more than 450 cement plant optimization projects.

Part of modern cement plant operation is the usage of alternative fuels. A TEC can offer the complete AF system for nearly any kind of solid and liquid waste materials including material handling, preparation, storage and feeding into the kiln.

Besides A TEC’s core business of cement plant optimization, A TEC provides consultancy and overall project management and supervision for Greenfield and Brownfield projects (e.g. EPCM), including assistance in tendering process and assistance with environmental and other local norms and standards.



  • Austrian waste preparation company .A.S.A. installs A TEC Rocket Mill® in Wr. Neustadt
  • Alternative fuel products will be supplied with an output size of 15mm, 50% < 5 mm
  • A TEC Rocket Mill®
    • Dimensions: 8.530 x 4.160 x 6.000 mm
    • Weight: approx.. 60.000 kg
    • Drive Unit: 2 x 315 kW
    • Rotor Speed: ~ 580 rpm
    • Capacity: 7-9 t/h < 15 mm final product