5 Giant Game Changing Energy Trends

Throughout the day many reports cross our desk that look at developments in the oil and gas sector. Normally I take a quick look and move on, but just last week we saw a presentation that made our whole team sit up and take notice.

The presentation (which I have arranged for you to access here) has been put together by the analysts at Oilprice.com and takes a look at where the oil and gas industry is heading over the next 10 years.

If you have been following sector developments closely you will know that right now, the energy industry is betting its future on five big trends. It’s these 5 trends that will see huge investment over the coming years, and people who have foreknowledge of these coming developments can position themselves to benefit from the hundreds of billions of dollars that are about to flow into these sub-sectors.

This presentation is a MUST SEE for anyone involved in the oil & gas business, whether you have a career in the sector, whether you are an investor, or even if you just follow developments taking place – I strongly advise you watch the presentation.

Click on this link to watch the presentation now: 5 Giant Game Changing Energy Trends

The trends they look at in detail are:

  • Trend #1 The Super Boom in Subsea Infrastructure. The Oil & Gas industry is increasing investment FIVE TIMES over from $27 billion a year to $130 billion a year on new unseen infrastructure.
  • #2 The Boom in Oil Production technology that is TRIPLING the value of existing wells: It’s an investor’s dream-come-true because it’s the equivalent of re-discovering every known oil-field TWICE OVER.
  • #3 The Boom in Hyper Oil & Gas Hunting. New technology discovers oil & gas fields FIFTEEN TIMES FASTER than earlier methods. This tech is sweeping through the industry like wild-fire as explorers race to find new fields first… but the tech is where investors will make the biggest returns, the fastest.
  • #4 The $200 Billion Boom in Specialized Engineering Firms: A pipeline of $10 billion plus projects easily totaling over $200 billion will likely make these engineering firms – and their investors – rich.
  • #5 The Multi-Billion Dollar Shale Revolution Goes Global.

Watch the presentation here: 5 Giant Game Changing Energy Trends