3 certifications at one go NETZSCH Pumps & Systems does the triple

The NETZSCH Pumps & Systems GmbH in Waldkraiburg were granted the three certificates in accordance with OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 by the SGS International Certification Services beginning of March this year. This success has been mainly achieved by the department “Integrated Quality Systems”. Therefore the requirements of the internationally recognised DIN EN ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 management standards were met, jointly certified and merged

The management of NETZSCH Pumps & Systems, Dipl. Ing. industrial engineering. Felix Kleinert and Dipl. Kfm. Jens Niessner rejoice with Dipl. Ing. Bert Nowitzki, Head of Integrated Quality Systems, on the obtained certificates to DIN EN ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and DIN EN ISO 900. (from left to right: Felix Kleinert, Bert Nowitzki, Jens Niessner)

The management of NETZSCH Pumps & Systems, Dipl. Ing. industrial engineering. Felix Kleinert and Dipl. Kfm. Jens Niessner rejoice with Dipl. Ing. Bert Nowitzki, Head of Integrated Quality Systems, on the obtained certificates to DIN EN ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and DIN EN ISO 900.
(from left to right: Felix Kleinert, Bert Nowitzki, Jens Niessner)

with the existing DIN EN ISO 9001-compliant system.

Behind the certifications lie the evidence requirements for quality management (ISO 9001), environmental management (ISO 14001) and health and safety management (OHSAS 18001) systems.

Bert Nowitzki, Manager of Integrated Quality Systems and QM, points out, “providing evidence for these certificates and successfully defending them are of fundamental importance for our continued success in many markets. Above all in the oil and gas industry, but this also plays a major role in sectors such as the chemical and food industry. It was a tremendous internal effort for us. The actions we took included:

  • dedicating more than 3,700 working hours
  • completing more than 70 large project workshops
  • initiating 332 individual measures and sub-projects
  • training employees in all areas in 23 themed workshops and courses
  • testing and defending our plans in 22 internal and external audits, and many, many more.

At the beginning, we were almost completely focused on meeting the company’s market requirements. However, the change management aspect gradually came to be predominant. Because, in contrast to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 are almost entirely based on statutory requirements and in addition have a strong concentration on risk assessment and prevention. It may sound extremely simple here, but in day-to-day practice it really is a lot of work.”

For 60 years, NETZSCH Pumps & Systems has served markets worldwide with its NEMO® progressing cavity pumps, TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps, NOTOS multi screw pumps, grinding machines, barrel emptying units, dosing technology and accessories, providing customized, sophisticated solutions for applications in every type of industry. With a workforce of more than 2,000, Pumps & Systems is the largest business unit in the NETZSCH Group alongside Analysing & Testing and Grinding & Dispersing with an annual turnover of more than 240 Mio Euro (Business year 2014).
