2015 ‘Students in Mining TerraSpec Instrument Program’ calls for original student research submissions

BOULDER, Colo. – May 1, 2014 – PANalytical Boulder, the global leader in high-performance NIR analytical instrumentation and material analysis solutions, is now accepting submissions for the 2015 Students in Mining TerraSpec Instrument Program.

The Students in Mining Program was developed to complement and strengthen student research in mining education, exploration and production using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Due to its popularity, the program has been expanded to include the oil and gas and geothermal fields as well. The temporary use of a full-range TerraSpec 4 Hi-Res mineral spectrometer system for mineral analysis will be awarded to student researchers whose projects are inventive and bridge traditional disciplines.

“Many mining companies are changing the way they do business due to market volatility, which is presenting a great opportunity for students to really stand out through their research,” said Chris Sherry, geologist and senior mining market manager at PANalytical Boulder. “Our goal is to present novel and creative applications for NIR spectroscopy that will spur new ideas and ultimately contribute to positive change in the mining industry.”

Students who are enrolled in a Master’s or Ph.D. program within an accredited college or university should submit their requests by November 15. The selected recipients will be announced early 2015. Eligible students must be enrolled in a program in any country where Carnet documentation for shipments is accepted. The research project can be opportunistic and need not have an immediate practical application or guarantee of success.

Students granted the use of a TerraSpec mineral analyzer, which includes The Spectral Geologist (TSG®) Pro mineral analysis software, are eligible to receive up to USD 500 to cover potential publication charges and/or travel assistance for the presentation of an accepted abstract at a relevant scientific conference. Recipients are also entitled to a single USD 500 travel stipend to attend a one-day feasibility and modeling training session at PANalytical Boulder’s headquarters in Boulder, Colorado, USA. Students can opt to participate in the training via webinar as well.

For more information about the Students in Mining TerraSpec Instrument Program, including submission guidelines, visit www.asdi.com.