2015 Mining Industry and Drilling Trends

Despite a challenging few years in the mining industry, Boart Longyear continues to innovate with new products and mining solutions that drive productivity and improve safety. In 2014, the industry saw trends toward cost reduction and a move to more energy-efficient applications. This year, we anticipate a number of these trends will continue and a few new ones will emerge.

Trends we’re seeing in 2015:

An increase in productivity, despite a down market. Mining companies continue to reduce costs but are working to create sustainable improvements in productivity, which is essential to success when the cycle turns.

A renewed focus on innovation. Historically, the mining industry has been conservative when it comes to change. But the pace of innovation – big innovation – is going to pick up.

Emphasis on greater safety. Year in, year out, safety is always a top priority for the mining industry. But during the downturn, there has been an even greater focus on safety improvements, and we see this continuing through 2015.

Challenges with currency fluctuation. The stronger dollar is a challenge for every company and every industry. For Boart Longyear, a company that operates or sells in more than 100 countries, the challenge is one that has been overcome before.

Growth in diversity. The mining industry recognizes the value of a diverse workforce. In 2015, Boart Longyear will continue to recruit, develop and retain a talented, diverse and motivated workforce that is reflective of the communities in which we operate.

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