VISTA’s TruckLogic™ haul truck operator training program wins Suncor President’s Award

Suncor Energy’s training team received one of the coveted President’s Operational Excellence Awards for their team’s accomplishments working to implementation of VISTA Training Inc.’s innovative TruckLogic™ haul truck operator training curriculum at its oil sands mine in northern Alberta.

Waterford, WI- Suncor Energy recently awarded its training department and VISTA Training Inc. one of eight coveted President’s Operational Excellence Awards for the implementation of the innovative TruckLogic™ haul truck operator training curriculum at its oil sands mine in northern Alberta.

TruckLogic™ is an integrated haul truck operator training program, developed by VISTA with significant input from Suncor that includes computer-based training modules, simulation and on-the-job training materials in a blended learning platform. The mine implemented TruckLogic™ as a pilot program in April 2010 at its large oil sands mine near Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, where it resulted in a 50 percent drop in incidents and a 4.5 percent increase in productivity. These improvements have continued to hold over a year later TruckLogic™ is now used to train all the mine’s new equipment operators.

“We’re extremely pleased that Suncor recognized the contribution that TruckLogic™ has made to the safety and efficiency of the mine’s operations,” said Bruce Rabe, CEO of VISTA Training. “We were very fortunate to partner with a mining company as progressive as Suncor on this project. With its far-reaching Journey to Zero program, they are truly a world leader in fostering a safe, productive working environment for all of its workers and contractors,” he added.

The focus of Journey to Zero, as its name implies, is to embed a safety culture into every aspect of Suncor’s business, so it can achieve injury-free work sites. The President’s Operational Excellence awards honor the employees and contractors who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to health and safety. The award was presented by Rick George, chief executive officer, and Steve Williams, president and chief operating officer of Suncor Energy on November 1, 2011 at a ceremony in Calgary, Alberta.

For more information about TruckLogic, please visit VISTA’s product site for it: