Video: Randy Smallwood on gold’s enduring value in a digital age

Randy Smallwood, president and CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals, speaks at the Canadian Mining Symposium in London, U.K. in October 2023. Credit: The Northern Miner

Precious metals streaming pioneer Randy Smallwood joined The Northern Miner‘s Canadian Mining Symposium, Oct. 12-13 in London, U.K., to discuss gold vs. cryptocurrencies, streaming’s role in supporting critical minerals development, and his long career in mining. 

Smallwood, president and CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals (TSX: WPM; NYSE: WPM), started out as a claims staker before earning a geological engineering degree. He said he developed a “healthy respect” for mining by being involved in all stages from exploration and defining a resource to mine development and operations. 

“There’s not many people in this industry that get to see the full spectrum all the way through,” he said. “I think that’s probably the benefit that I’ve taken into how I’ve gone forward in business is to always have respect for how hard it is to find a good mine and do everything we can to make sure that we get the best from it.” 

Smallwood recently wrapped up a three-term as chair of the World Gold Council and also discussed the organization’s 247 gold initiative, and its recent movie premiere of Gold: A Journey with Idris Elba

Watch his entire conversation with Editor-in-Chief of The Northern Miner, Alisha Hiyate: