Video game to teach Australian kids about minerals for electric cars

Photo by Minecraft.

The Minerals Council of Australia, Mining Education Australia and the University of Queensland this week launched the Mine Solar Car Lab – a new 3D digital game for Minecraft’s Education Edition.

The idea is that elementary school students and teachers use the Minecraft education platform to learn about different minerals and metals sourced in Australia and virtually collect those raw materials.

Once they have collected, they will be prompted to visit the fictional Institute for Voltaic Propulsion, a facility full of researchers and enormous machines. There, they have to use the minerals and metals they have collected to build major parts of an electric car, then correctly insert them into machines that will combine them into the finished components via an abstract version of a car factory.

“The MCA is excited to announce the launch of this game as part of the industry’s approach to educating young Australians on the innovative, technologically-driven Australian minerals sector,” the Minerals Council said in a media statement.