Very successful business year 2007 for Liebherr

The turnover of the Liebherr Group of Companies rose by 15.7 % or 1,018.0 million € to 7,491.0 million €, with increases recorded in all product divisions and in almost all sales regions.

In the earthmoving and mining division, an increase of 14.8 % or 316.1 million € to 2,456.2 million € was achieved. In the mobile cranes division, turnover rose by 18.4 % or 252.6 million € to a total of 1,626.0 million €. The most dynamic growth was recorded by the construction cranes and mixing technology division. Its products achieved a total increase in turnover of 28.4 % or 201.6 million € to 910.8 million €…Liebherr