US metal and industrial metal mine salaries for 2011

There is no such thing as an average miner.

There is no such thing as an average salary.

Yet we can get some idea of how well mining people are paid by looking at the average salaries for 2011 on U.S. Metal and Industrial Metal Mines.

Here are some averages from the recently published CostMine, 2011 Survey Results for U.S. Metal and Industrial Mineral Mine Salaries, Wages and Benefits.


I give the average in thousands of dollars:

  • General Manager = 150
  • Mine Manager = 108
  • Mine Superintendent = 89
  • Mill Superintendent = 100
  • Chief Engineer = 98
  • Mine Engineer = 73
  • Chemist = 71
  • Metallurgist = 83
  • Chief Geologist = 93
  • Mine Geologist = 69
  • Environmental Coordinator = 80
  • Environmental Technician = 55
  • Secretary = 36
  • Warehouse Clerk = 44

The average differs depending on whether you work at an open pit versus an underground mine.  The average varies for different parts of the country.  For the full details you will have to work with the human resources manager at your mine to get a copy of the report.

From what I read, underground mine folk earn more than open pit mine folk.  Metal miners earn more than industrial mineral miners. Overall there is not much difference at union mines versus non-union mines.   Those at large mines earn more than those at small mines.  Those working in the Rocky Mountain region seem to earn a bit more than most, although there is no consistent trend.

Keep in mind these numbers do not include bonus which can vary considerable from mine to mine. Thus good luck with your salary and making sure it is above the average.  let us know how you fare.

Click here for a look at hourly wages for workers at US mines in 2011.