US company’s unique decontamination technology used in Japan to remediate Fukushima school campus

Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug 3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — CBI Polymers Inc., the U.S.-based innovator of DeconGel® nuclear decontaminant, announced today the collaborative effort to remediate radiation from the campus of the Asahimachi Baptist Church and Little Lamb Kindergarten in Fukushima, Japan, in a project CBI Polymers calls “Restore Playtime.”

CBI Polymers donated its DeconGel® nuclear decontaminant and the manpower to apply the blue gel to the affected areas of the school.  Once dry, the gel was peeled away, taking harmful radiation with it.

DeconGel® nuclear decontaminant is unique compared to traditional decontamination solutions, which mostly consist of soap and water. Multiple laboratory tests and customer field deployments have demonstrated near‐100% decontamination of hazardous materials ranging from uranium and cesium to PCB oils and beryllium. DeconGel® allows for waterless remediation, eliminating the environmental impact of liquid runoff and significantly reducing waste volume and disposal costs by up to 90 percent.

The school’s headmistress, Tamiko Kokubo was uncomfortable allowing her students to play outside for the past four and a half months because of the fear of radiation exposure from the fallout generated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which suffered a catastrophic breach of its containment facilities after the March 11th earthquake and subsequent tsunami. The release of radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere contaminated much of the surrounding area.

To protect her students from exposure to radioactive particles, Headmistress Kokubo chose not to open the playground and outdoor surfaces to the children. While necessary for safety reasons, this closure of the outdoor facilities deprived the school’s pre-school children and elementary level students of all outdoor activities, which are important to their physical development, as well as being one of the most enjoyable parts of their day.

Headmistress Tamiko Kokubo observed, “Many of the fondest memories of childhood come from outdoor places and activities. This cleanup gives our children back their outdoor playtime, not only a basic joy but one critical to successful childhood development. We appreciate the work of CBI Polymers and the donation of DeconGel.”

Cham Dallas, Ph.D., a radiation mitigation expert and Director of the Institute for Health Management and Mass Destruction Defense at the University of Georgia, oversaw the application of DeconGel® nuclear decontaminant and removal of radiation for the project. “DeconGel provides the unique capability to encapsulate radiation, making removal more efficient, while minimizing the opportunity for the radiation to spread,” Dallas said.

CBI Polymers initially provided assistance to the Fukushima disaster relief with a donation of product and technical services, valued at $250,000.  Individual stories, such as the plight of the Little Lamb Kindergarten, encouraged the company to become directly involved.

“We were pleased to be part of a project helping to create a safe place for children in the midst of the unprecedented disaster,” said Galen Ho, CEO of CBI Polymers. “We look forward to expanding the applicability of DeconGel. We believe it can further the remediation efforts and help to restore a sense of wellbeing for the people of Fukushima and other affected areas.”

On August 1, 2011, CBI Polymers was selected for the U.S. Department of Commerce Export Achievement Award for its role in helping Hungary respond to its recent chemical spill disaster last year, and for its contribution to Japan’s earthquake and tsunami recovery efforts. The award recognizes U.S. companies who through the export services of the International Trade Administration’s U.S. Commercial Service have expanded into new foreign markets.

About DeconGel® nuclear decontaminant  

DeconGel® nuclear decontaminant ( or is a novel polymer-based decontamination technology developed by CBI Polymers for radiological, nuclear, and chemical threats. It is a safe, water soluble, peelable hydrogel, with unique capacity to bind, encapsulate, and remove surface radioactive and chemical contaminants. DeconGel® nuclear decontaminant is used by U.S. Department of Energy sites for remediation of radiological, nuclear, and hazardous chemical substances. It’s also useful for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) first responder units concerned with immediate clean-up after major hazardous materials (HAZMAT) incidents. In addition, DeconGel® nuclear decontaminant removes toxic elements such as lead, beryllium, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and iron oxide.

About CBI Polymers

CBI Polymers Inc., a spin-off of SKAI Ventures, is a leader in the development of novel technologies for radiological and chemical decontamination. DeconGel® nuclear decontaminant is a leading decontamination solution utilized by the U.S. Department of Energy and has customers worldwide in various industries ranging from nuclear power utilities, decommissioning and decontamination sites, hospital facilities, and research laboratories.

About SKAI Ventures

SKAI Ventures is a “venture accelerator,” a hybrid of venture capital and a technology accelerator focused on transforming novel, ingenious ideas into disruptive technologies and high-growth companies with profound global impact.  SKAI Ventures portfolio companies include Cellular Bioengineering, Inc., Eyegenix, SKAI International Vision Institute, Eye Surgery Center of Hawaii, Trutag Technologies, and CBI Polymers.  SKAI Ventures’ motto is Invent. Disrupt. Inspire.

About Shaun McCabe – President, Asia Pacific Systems

Mr. McCabe is a senior energy professional with over 25 years of domestic and international expertise. Mr. McCabe has held roles as President, General Counsel and Executive Vice President reporting to both public and private board of directors and officers, managed capital budgets of over $100 million, initiated over $1 billion of technology development in foreign markets, and bid more than $23 billion in government procurements. He is a recognized expert by the Department of Energy in the decontamination of radioactive waste. Some of his past positions include Vice President, Business Development & Strategy at Studsvik Inc., (North American affiliate of Studsvik AB, SVIK: SS), Vice President, Legal & Regulatory Affairs of Commerce Energy, Inc. (AMEX: EGR), with approximately $400 million gross revenues operating across 10 states and 26 markets, and President, Waste Control Specialists LLC (affiliate of Valhi Inc., NYSE: VHI), with approximately $25 million in annual revenues and 110 employees. Mr. McCabe received a degree in business administration from the University of Texas, a Juris Doctorate from Case Western Reserve University and is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Nuclear Power Program and served aboard the USS Swordfish, a nuclear-powered fast attack submarine.