US versus Australian mine manager salaries


Today Jennifer Leinhart of CostMine sent me these two volumes:

  • 2011 Survey Results: U.S. Coal Mine Salaries, Wages and Benefits
  • 2011 Survey Results: U.S. Metal & Industrial Mineral Mine Salaries, Wages and Benefits

In future blog postings, I will write more about the salary and wages listed in these volumes.  For now only a brief overview and comparison to Australian mine salaries.

Here from Misco, an Australian job site, are some of the astounding Australian mining incomes:


  • Quarry      Manager (Unres QM) – $219K
  • Operations      Superintendent – $216K
  • Production      Superintendent – $224K
  • Planning      Super (Iron Ore) – $236K


  • Tech      Services Manager – $261K
  • Senior      Site Executive (I/O) – $254K
  • Mine      Manager (Planning Mentor) – $259K
  • Mining      Manager (Gold) – $249K

As it is always more fun to look at the top, let us summarize this by concluding that mine managers in Australia are earning about $250K (Australian dollars).  Let us compare this to managers in U.S. coal, metal, and industrial mineral mines.

The average U.S. coal mine general manager made $182K last year.  The average U.S. coal mine manager made $140K last year.  Almost $100K less than in Australia, give or take fluctuating  exchange rates. Astounding!

But wait. It gets worse or better depending on your perspective. The average U.S. general manager of a metal and industrial mineral mine made a mere $150K last year.  And the poor old mine manager made a paltry $107K in 2011.  That is almost $150K difference (give or take exchange rates).

True it is terrible expensive to live in Australia. So maybe they need that extra money to survive — or at least to live a managerial life style.

I have no information about comparable taxes in the U.S. and Australia.  Would the cost of living, taxes, and exchange rate level things? I would appreciate your insight in this regard.