Two years in jail for diamond swallower

Sri Lanka’s diamond-swallowing story from early September continues to be an unsolved mystery, but the Chinese man who gulped a fake diamond in a daring bluff that allowed an accomplice to get away with a real stone pleaded guilty Monday.

Chou Wan, 32, will have to spend two years in jail and pay a fine of about $800 ($100,000 rupees), reports AFP.

The 1.5-carat stone, valued at $13,000, as well as the real thief have yet to be found.

Sri Lanka does not have diamonds mines, but the nation is renowned for other highly valued stones and jewellery, especially for its blue sapphires. Facets Sri Lanka 2012 is the country’s largest gem and jewellery annual exhibition and it attracts a large number of local and foreign buyers.


Diamond swallowed at exhibition a fake; $13,000 gem still missing >> >>