CAMESE invites Canadian mining suppliers to take part in CAMESE’s Vale Canadian Conference for Mining Suppliers

This event will allow a maximum of only 70 representatives of mining supply firms to learn of business opportunities and meet one-on-one with senior procurement executives from the world’s fourth largest mining company.

We have not had much time to publicize this event. We began by alerting CAMESE member firms on May 30. Then, on June 5, we gave priority to firms that recently showed interest in joining our association. Now we are pleased to inform other Canadian mining supply firms that are in our database.

We are logging in registrations on a first-come, first-served basis. As of the time of distribution of this e-mail, there were only a few spots left. If you are interested, do not delay in contacting us as we expect to be fully booked before long.

You can find full information and a registration form at