The world’s southernmost mines

Last week we looked at the world’s northernmost mines. This week, we give you the polar opposite. Unlike the majority of projects on last week’s list, the world’s southernmost mines are mostly gold and silver operations.

Chile’s rugged Magallanes y la Antártica is home to Invierno, the southernmost mine on the planet. Located on Riesco Island — a sparsely populated area scattered with glaciers and ice fields — Invierno began producing in 2013.

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#1 Invierno
Location: Chile
Owner: Minera Isla Riesco
Type: Open-pit coal mine

#2 Rio Turbio
Location: Argentina
Owner: Yacimiento Carbonifero de Rio Turbio
Type: Underground coal mine

#3 Manantial Espejo
Location: Argentina
Owner: Minera Triton
Type: Open-Pit/underground gold and silver mine

#4 Cerro Vanguardia
Location: Argentina
Owner: Cerro Vanguardia
Type: Underground gold and silver mine

#5 Cerro Negro
Location: Argentina
Owner: Oroplata
Type: Underground gold and silver mine

#6 San Jose (El Pluma/Huevos Verdes)
Location: Argentina
Owner: Minera Santa Cruz
Type: Underground gold and silver mine

#7 Lomada De Leiva (La Paloma)
Location: Argentina
Owner: Patagonia Gold
Type: Open-pit gold and silver mine

#8 Cerro Bayo
Location: Chile
Owner: Minera Cerro Bayo
Type: Underground gold and silver mine

#9 Kai Point
Location: New Zealand
Owner: Kai Point
Type: Open-pit coal mine

#10 Harliwich
Location: New Zealand
Owner: Harliwich Carrying
Type: Open-pit coal mine