A PDAC survivalist’s tips list: navigating the world’s biggest exploration and mining show

Mercenary Geologist Mickey Fulp runs down all the ins and outs for the upcoming Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) annual convention, March 3-6, Toronto, Ontario.

It’s the world’s largest exploration and mining show. About 30,000 people showed up last year. Newsletter writer Fulp has some observation and tips on how to prepare:

“The weather sucks; I get my yearly week of winter via this excursion. Dress well and warmly before braving the out-of-doors. Standard outdoor apparel is overcoat, leather gloves, and umbrella. If your pate is bald like mine, a Peruvian alpaca toque is necessary.”

“There are tens of thousands of people and a myriad of company promoters with exhibition booths; they are all trying to sell you a story. It is difficult to get real work accomplished because of the sheer number of humans and companies confined to one space.

“To avoid waiting in long queues on Sunday morning, obtain your registration credentials on Saturday (7 am – 6 pm).”

“When you are in a hurry (as I always seem to be), avoid convention center escalators, especially during rush periods. Take the stairs or elevators instead.”

“From my previous experience, cell phone service can be at best sketchy in the bowels of the South Convention Center. There is free wireless internet in the concourses but that’s a paid service inside the exhibit halls and trade show hall.”

“Carry pen and paper and take notes so you can remember all the screaming-buy stock tips and the parties that gave them to you for later retribution as admissible evidence.”

“I gave up going to [the Technical Program] sessions years ago because for every three talks, there was one where the graphics were unintelligible, one where the guy put me to sleep, and one where I actually learned something. A .333 average is great for baseball but doesn’t cut it for busy investors and businessmen.”

Read more tips at Fulp’s blog.

Creative Commons images from Pop Culture GeekGlenn Batuyongmark.watmoughRaeAllen,  SAN_DRINO English106 and Keith Williamson