The Great Bear Rainforest becomes The Great Trade Barrier

Vivian Krause, a Vancouver blogger who has been digging into the finances of green groups, takes a hard look at the finances of Suzuki Foundation and draws linkages to groups in the U.S. who may have an interest in tying up Canada’s oil supply rather than let the country diversify its exports and start shipping to the east.

Of the 30 U.S. grants that Suzuki’s foundation received for a total of US$9-million, 29 are earmarked for British Columbia. Forget the rest of Canada, the only place that U.S. foundations have heavily funded Suzuki’s work is on the strategic, north coast of B.C., right smack where oil tankers export bound for Asia would need to travel.

Now, in the name of protecting the kermode bear, the so-called Great Spirit Bear, environmentalists say that oil tanker traffic must be banned on the entire north coast of B.C. No tankers means no oil exports to Asia and that the U.S. gets to keep its virtual monopoly on Canadian oil. Whether this was the intention all along or not, the Great Bear Rainforest has become The Great Trade Barrier, thanks in large part to David Suzuki, Tides Canada and their American backers.

Read more here.

Image from Jackmont