Tetrad Expands Support for Geoscience Solutions

Company: Tetrad Computer Applications Inc.
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

To address the rapidly increasing demand for GIS products designed specifically for the resource exploration and development industries, Tetrad Computer Applications Inc. has appointed Cindy Collins as Director of Geoscience Solutions.

“Cindy’s experience and technical skills with MapInfo Professional and Encom’s Discover packages will allow us to provide a higher level of support for geologists who use these tools to compile, visualize, analyze and map geological and geophysical data”, said Tetrad’s president Wilson Baker. “Her expertise with the Discover 3D module will assist users to view and interact in real time with GIS datasets”.

“Cindy has joined Tetrad from Diamondex Resources Ltd., bringing ten years of experience using GIS products and providing support for mapping and subsurface modeling”, commented Baker. “Her previous experience includes work as a GIS Analyst for Ashton Mining of Canada. In these positions she was responsible for research and implementation of emerging technologies for the integration and interpretation of exploration data.”

Collins’ experience with GIS software and geological service providers will contribute to Tetrad’s ability to provide solutions for its clients in the exploration industry.

About Tetrad Computer Applications Inc.
Since 1968 Tetrad Computer Applications Inc. has been a developer and provider of marketing, engineering and management applications for the desktop and the Internet. Tetrad is a Strategic Partner of Pitney Bowes MapInfo Software and the North American representative for Encom’s Discover geoscience software.

Wilson Baker ([email protected])
Phone 800-663-1334