Sustainable Mining – World Forum of Universities of Resources on Sustainability (WFURS)

As reported on the Oman Daily Observer the recently established World Forum of Universities of Resources on Sustainability (WFURS) is an international platform for sustainable mining. The Forum is the result of a Memorandum of Understanding which was signed by 58 universities around the world, amongst others the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech).

“All member universities consider it necessary that knowledge about sustainable mining should be propagated, provided on a global scale, harmonized and networked. Through the MoU GUtech and all other universities will be part of a permanent international platform in mining sciences and work together for a sustainable future in the mining sector,” said Professor Dr Burkhard Rauhut, Rector of GUtech.

“Environmental sustainability in mining also means that the local people living around the mines should profit from the mining activity next door, for example by the generation of new jobs and new industries working with the raw materials, like making gypsum plates and bricks next to the gypsum mines,” said Professor Bas [Professor Dr Bas den Brok, Head of the Department of Applied Geosciences at GUtech].