Survey shows fewer Americans pick gold as top investment choice

CNBC’s All-America Economic Survey this year again found that Americans’ favourite investment is gold, beating out all other asset classes.

According to the business channel, the poll of 800 Americans found that 35% picked gold as their best investment choice, a slight decline from the 37% who believed invest in gold first last year.

Real estate came in as second best investment option at 27%, followed by 21% who opt for stocks.

CNBC says gold bugs in the US show “a distinctive demographic profile, one dominated by concern about the nation’s economic outlook”:

Forty-five percent of Tea Party supporters chose gold, compared with 35 percent of the overall public. And half of those Americans who believe their home values will decline in the coming year think gold is the best investment bet.

Other groups with an above average yen for gold include men, those with little money in the stock market and those with a high school education or less.

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Watch CNBC’s video insert on the survey here.