Suppliers launches a new update system for supplier listings

In a continued effort to provide up to date and accurate information for both buyers and sellers, Infomine’s Suppliers is proud to announce a new listing update system. The new update system gives all suppliers the ability to view their listing in real time, enabling them to either confirm the accuracy of their listing or to update, add or delete categories, product lists and catalogs. We encourage all suppliers to keep their listing up to date to maximize sales in tough economic times.

InfoMine’s Suppliers is also working hard on a new search technology for our Buyer’s Guide, which is currently in beta testing. This new search technology will help buyers more easily find and connect with the suppliers offering the products and services they require. Ultimately, the objective of the new search technology is to optimize sales opportunities in tough economic times.

Soon we will be inviting all interested suppliers to participate in the testing of our new search technology. If your company has any questions, or if you would like to participate in beta testing, email Greg Fenrick.