Sprott announces closing of largest resource fund to date

Credit: Sprott.

Sprott Inc. (NYSE, TSX: SII), which specializes in precious metal and energy transition investments, announced on Monday that its largest resource fund to date, Sprott Private Resource Lending Fund III, has completed its final closing.

With the close of Fund III, total assets under management of Sprott Resource Lending Corp. (SRLC) stands at $1.5 billion within the company’s private strategies segment. SRLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sprott and the general partner of several funds whose investors include pension plans, retirement systems, insurance companies, foundations and endowment.

“We are extremely pleased with the continued success the investment team has demonstrated for well over 10 years, providing consistent growth in funds managed through volatile markets,” Sprott CEO Whitney George said in a news release.

“Fund III will continue to provide flexible capital in what we feel is an underserved sector, as commercial banks and more traditional lenders exit the space,” Greg Caione, managing partner of SRLC, said. “The global market for metals and critical minerals is growing, and we are well positioned to partner with, and provide financing to, global mining companies to acquire and bring projects into production in a capital constrained sector to meet increased metal demand.”