South Australia “still recording high levels of [exploration] spending” – Australian Mineral Resources Development

Speaking at the 2009 Paydirt Uranium Conference in Adelaide, Australia, Hon Paul Holloway MLC Minister for Mineral Resources Development said that the “South Australian Government has worked hard in the past six and a half years to create a climate of certainty in this state that provides investors with the confidence they need to plan long-term investments in the resources sector. We realise investment in our resources sector is critical for the continued development and growth of the South Australian economy. While initially this confidence-building policy led to a record surge in investment and exploration in this state, with mineral exploration expenditure reaching A$355.2 million in the 2007-08 financial year, the latest quarterly result brings overall spending for calendar year 2008 to A$317.5 million, down from A$331.3 million in the 2007 calendar year. (more…)