Somalia ousts Chinese firm over alleged illegal mining

Somalia ousts Chinese firm over alleged illegal mining

The Gulf of Aden, in Somalia, has economic significance as a waterway to transport oil from the Persian Gulf. (Photo by Vlad Galenko /

The Somali government decided Wednesday to oust Chinese mining company ARC over accusations of illegal extraction of minerals in the Simodi mountain ranges, in the country’s Awdal region.

The firm is also said to have of caused civil turmoil and tensions among communities in the region after introducing armed militia to protect its illegal operation, the World Bulletin reported.

The mountain region is rich in oil and minerals, including gemstones, natural gas, uranium, and iron ore, which has attracted several international miners in the last few years.

Some of these companies, however, are said to be operating on invalid agreements and contracts, which allows them to easily displace locals, destroy private property, and harm the environment.