Smelly anti-coal-mining protests

When I first came to Canada, I was told by proud Canadians that the country is unique: “Everybody is polite; no protests; and no class action law suites.  Not like across the border.”

Yet this week I have been contacted by Canadian lawyers seeking a technical specialist to help them start a class action law case against some miners who shut their mine.  The student protests in Quebec continue unabated–over tuition of all things.  And here in Vancouver, one of my colleagues was caught up in a shit-throwing protest over a proposed coal mine.  Here is the report on what happened:

Protesters of a mining conference in downtown Vancouver were throwing more than just rocks.  The Four Seasons hotel on West Georgia was evacuated Thursday afternoon and Vancouver Police’s hazmat unit was called in after six protesters pulled the fire alarm and threw a bag containing what was later determined to be feces mixed with liquid into the meeting room.  Protesters immediately left and VPD said they have no suspects in custody.   The luncheon affected was hosted by the Canadian Institute of Mining, which was discussing the Raven Underground Coal Project in Port Alberni and the Comox Valley. It was headlined by John Tapics, the president and CEO of Compliance Coal Cooperation, which is leading the project.   VPD spokeswoman Const. Jana McGuinness said the smelly stunt posed no risk to public safety and there have been no arrests. The investigation continues.


Have times changed that much in Canada?

Now I support reasoned debate about mining.  I am guilty of as much.  But to disrupt meetings in this way, is, well simply disgusting.  No protestor makes a point thus. As no student gets sympathy not studying and demanding not to pay for it.  As for the lawyers, I suppose they represent shareholders who have lost money investing in mining, and now they want their money back.  Just as I would love to have the money back I have lost on the stock exchange.  Maybe we share-losers should go throwing things in protest.

Maybe kids are so spoilt these days that they do not want to study, they do not want to learn, and certainly they do not want to engage in intelligent debate.  What do you think?