Smart helmet detects gas, sends text messages and self-generates SOS alerts… What?

The dream of any Health and Safety manager and probable every mine worker is about to hit the market. A Spanish company is introducing in Chile a mining helmet that incorporates advanced systems of sensors and communication tools guarantee to locate missing miners and save lives.

The piece of gear, created by Presistem, comes —among others features— with detection systems for gas, polluted atmosphere and motion. It also includes various communication systems, such as warnings by vibration, LED lights, sounds, text messaging, and self-generate SOS alerts. No wonder its creator has named it “Angelhelmet.”

On top of that, it includes an interactive smart control system, which allows users and managers to constantly monitor workers’ integrity and safety.

The smart helmet is already sold in Spain and it will be introduced in Chile next month, creator Darío García told Although he declined commenting on the price tag, he said it would be also available this year in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Poland. He added the company is currently in talks with distributors in Australia, South Africa and Germany.

Image courtesy of Presistem