Silver Wheaton Corporation: A Takeover Target?


Exploration activity is moving at a fair old pace, however, the results are no longer startling, in fact discoveries of any significance are few and far between. In order for a producer to add to their pipeline of gold and silver reserves a friendly or even a hostile takeover appears to be the way go.

As an example we have just witnessed, Kinross Gold Corporation’s (KGC) all paper merger of around $7.00 billion dollars for the acquisition Red Back Mining. There are a few other notably large takeovers of late which demonstrates the willingness of companies to come up with the big bucks in order to lock in supplies for the future. So, as these predators scan the horizon for suitable targets Silver Wheaton could well fit the bill. With a current market capitalization of $9.17 billion it will require a company of some substance, however, it would be securing a supply of silver which is ramping up as follows:

Silver Wheaton does not hedge its silver production.

Its not too hard to imagine that there is a smoke filled board room somewhere, where a lot of thinking, debate, pacing of the floor is going on right now. It would be a shame to see it go as its one of our favourite stocks. If silver prices are heading to the $30.00/oz level and beyond as we anticipate then SLW would do wonders for the cash flow of one of the majors, but which one? Don’t ask us, we have no idea, other than making a wild guess at one of the usual suspects.

Now, if we consider that there are no takers and SLW goes from strength to strength, there could come a time when the target becomes the predator and decides to branch out by adding a major mining company to its own portfolio.

Just our musings of course, but stranger things have happened.

In the mean time Silver Wheaton Corporation have informed us that Peter Barnes has won the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year(R) 2010 Mining and Metals award:

Peter Barnes

On September 28th, 2010, Ernst & Young (Canada) announced the winners of the Entrepreneur Of The Year Pacific region awards. We are extremely pleased to announce that Peter Barnes, Silver Wheaton’s CEO, was honored as the Mining and Metals category winner.

The Entrepreneur of the Year Award recognizes high-achieving entrepreneurs in Canada and around the world who drive growth, transform industries and build communities. In its 17th year of operation, the award is structured around an independent panel of regional judges determining which nominees deserve recognition as category award finalists, and then selecting the entrepreneur who best demonstrates excellence in that category.

This award highlights the power of our unique business model and the quality of our people. I am honoured to accept the award on behalf of the entire Silver Wheaton team,” said Peter Barnes.

He has come a long way since his student days in Hull.

Over in our options trading den they have updated the chart to show all the closed trades as of today, so you can see exactly how it is going, please click this link.

Stay on your toes and have a good one.

Got a comment then please add it to this article, all opinions are welcome and very much appreciated by both our readership and the team here.

On Friday, 27th August 2010, we closed another successful trade banking a profit of 79.46% on Call Options on Silver Wheaton.

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