Silver Prices Sparkle Once Again


Silver prices are just sparkling as this chart clearly shows with todays advance adding $1.02 for a gain of 3.82% – so put on a big smile on your face and walk around your place of toil and add a little cheer to everyones day, share your success with them, add to the feel good factor, it just might give them a lift too.

Well, the technical indicators are once again slap up against the ceiling suggesting a breather could be on the cards. The RSI is standing at 81.10 and under normal circumstances we would be looking to exit as this chart is suggesting. However, if you study the chart, you can go back to early September and see that the RSI was suggesting an overbought situation then and at that time silver prices were around the $20.00/oz level. So here we are at $27.74/oz, the point being is that the fundamentals are overriding the technical indicators, at least for the time being. This is something that by our actions and our words we said would happen. We are on course for $30.00/oz silver and we expect it to get there fairly soon as the economic climate has not suddenly improved and the actions of our political masters continues down the road of currency destruction, which is a boost for all hard assets.

Masters of the universe they are not, so hang on to your core holdings, things are going your way and you need to let the winners run. Also try and relax,the best decisions are usually made by those with a cool head.

Please dont forget to take a look at our options trading service, where our total of closed trades is 38, with 36 winners. This means that a subscriber who had invested $1000 in each of our 38 trades would have banked profits of $15,636.00. We have just posted a set of charts demonstrating the importance of timing in any trade on gold-prices, please click here if you are interested.

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For those readers who are also interested in the silver bull market that is currently unfolding, you may want to subscribe to our Free Silver Prices Newsletter.

For those readers who are also interested in the nuclear power sector you may want to subscribe to our Free Uranium Stocks Newsletter, just click here.



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