Shell, as operator of the Athabasca Oil Sands Project announced on Monday that in just six years the project has spent over $1 billion with Aboriginal contractors.
“Shell works closely with local communities and today I’m happy to announce we have reached this important milestone within such a short period of time,” said Lorraine Mitchelmore, Shell Canada President and County Chair. “Working with Aboriginal contractors is one way Shell benefits the communities where we operate. Today I want to thank the businesses and partners we have worked with and look forward to working together in the years ahead.”
This milestone has been reached through work with over 70 Aboriginal businesses, providing a range of goods and services to support the Athabasca Oil Sands Project. Since 2005 the number of contracts with Aboriginal businesses has grown significantly. Local businesses provide a broad range of services and products including facilities management, technical expertise, bussing, camps and catering and waste management.
“Working with Shell and the Athabasca Oil Sands Project over a number of years has enabled the Fort McKay Group of Companies, Joint ventures and entrepreneurs to grow, and has brought significant opportunity to develop skills, establish businesses and further our community”, said Phil Peddie, CEO of the Ft. McKay First Nation.
Joining the celebrations was Alberta’s Minister of Aboriginal Relations Len Webber. “I congratulate Shell and the companies involved in reaching this important $1 billion dollar milestone. Helping provide economic development opportunities for Aboriginal companies is crucial for the region and success of Alberta.”
Today’s announcement was made as part of Shell’s week-long celebrations to support Aboriginal Awareness. Shell’s Aboriginal Awareness Week is organised by Shell’s Aboriginal Employee network (ABNET), the only such aboriginal employee network in the industry.
Shell Canada Energy is 60% owner and operator of the Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) along with Chevron Canada Limited (20%) and Marathon Oil Corporation (20%). The AOSP includes the Muskeg River Mine, Jackpine Mine and Scotford Upgrader.
Click here for the entire press release.