Seven Liebherr T 282 B Ultra Class Mining Trucks Headed for Chile

The National Copper Corporation of Chile, Codelco, has placed an order for seven Liebherr T 282 B diesel electric, AC drive mining trucks for the open pit mine Radomiro Tomic. The 400 short ton (363 metric tonne) payload ultra class trucks will be equipped with MTU/DDC 20V4000 diesel engines rated at 3,650 hp / 2,722 kW and Michelin 56/80R63 low profile tires. The trucks are scheduled to be commissioned by the end of 2009. Codelco will then have 48 Liebherr mining trucks in operation at its Codelco Norte Division: 30 trucks at Chuquicamata and 18 trucks at Radomiro Tomic.

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Radomiro Tomic is an open pit mine producing oxidized copper ore. The mine is located at 9,800 feet (3,000 meters) above sea level in the Andes Mountains at approximately 1,000 miles (1,670 kilometers) from Santiago, Chile. Radomiro Tomic has been in operation since 1995.