Semaphore Releases DNP3 Technical Brief

Semaphore, a CSE Global company, has released a technical brief on configuration of DNP3 outstation functionality in an installation using Kingfisher SCADA system RTU products.

The Kingfisher DNP3 protocol suite, which exceeds implementation level 3, includes DNP3 master functionality, DNP3 Secure Authentication, and a rich library of associated function blocks. The technical brief, intended for applications programmers, provides an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process for configuration of outstation (or “slave”) operations on a DNP3 network.

Kingfisher capabilities for both master and outstation operations in a single RTU bring a great deal of flexibility to SCADA networks. Hierarchical networks best serve the geographical distribution of remote sites and can significantly reduce networking costs. A Kingfisher RTU can also be a data concentrator, which communicates with other RTUs using different protocols.

Semaphore’s Kingfisher RTU line provides many advanced features for SCADA system solutions, including redundant configurations, intelligent I/O, and open programming that is compliant with IEC 61131-3 and IEC 61499. The contemporary Kingfisher product line includes the Kingfisher Plus+ and G30 models.

Kingfisher Plus+ is an advanced, modular RTU that offers expansion up to 1000 I/O points. The G30 is a compact RTU that extends the full capabilities of Semaphore’s Kingfisher Plus product line to small SCADA system applications requiring up to 32 I/O points. Kingfisher RTU systems are well suited to large, demanding measurement and control applications.

Semaphore’s RTU products are ideal for a broad range of monitoring and control applications in the broadcast / telecom, infrastructure management, oil & gas, power, transportation and water / wastewater industries. For more information about Semaphore solutions, visit, or contact Semaphore at 1200 Chantry Place, Lake Mary, FL 32746, 407-333-3235.