Sandvik’s revolutionary dust suppression system gets the StBG Seal of Approval

With successful installations of over 200 units throughout the world, Sandvik Mining and Construction’s electrostatic dust suppression system HX410 was recently field-tested by the Steinbruchs Berufsgenossenschaft – Germany’s Statutory Accident Insurance for Quarrying and Mining Industry (StBG). Using an installation at the Strobel Quarzsand facility in Freihung in Southern Germany, the HX410, which was specially developed for material transfer points in bulk-product conveying systems, was tested in a prolonged set of experiments. Findings reported by StBG showed that the HX410 substantially reduced dust particles in the air to levels well below maximum limits for both respirable and alveolar dust.

Strobel Quarzsand is a supplier of high-quality quartz sands. In Freihung, 400,000 tons of quartz sand are prepared annually for building chemicals, foundry-use, for the glass and construction industries as well as for use in sports, athletics and leisure facilities. The quartz sand is subjected to a number of different processes in order to prepare it in conformity with customers’ requirements. Despite the existence of an exhauster system, it is impossible to entirely prevent the occurrence of dust from the dried quartz-sand product at the various belt transfer points. The pulmonary, alveolar and fine quartz dusts produced constitute potentially life-threatening health hazards for the operating staff and are a burden on the environment. In addition the annual material losses at the belt transfer points are a significant cost factor. The fine quartz dust is a particular challenge to dust-suppression systems but was easily dealt with by the HX410.

The HX410 is an ionization-based system with a dust suppression rate for respirable dust greater than 90%. It is especially effective at transfer points where considerable dust from bulk material is typically released into the air. Especially benefiting from this system are bulk material transfer points in aggregates and cement, as well as foundries, and mining, steel, and glass industries. The conveyed bulk material – and with it, the dust – is routed through the housing of the dust-suppression system. The electrostatic forces acting inside the housing cause the dust to be deposited on the housing, from which it is periodically removed by means of an unbalance motor and returned to the process. The modular system is easy to install and suffers little from wear as there are no moving parts requiring regular service or exchange. Maintenance time is typically less than half an hour per month. It operates at high voltage (50-60 kV) and low currency (1.5 mA) so it enjoys low energy costs having a power requirement of below 0,5 kW.

The StBG reached the following conclusions as a result of these measurements: “The (mean) alveolar dust values fell from 4.25 mg/m³ to 0.56 mg/m³, while the averages for respirable dust dropped from 14.28 mg/m³ to 1.16 mg/m³”. Since the European limit for alveolar dust is 3 mg/m³, and for respirable dust it is 10 mg/m³, the HX410 system therefore brought air quality down from a level above the limit to a level far below the limit.

Within the report the Sandvik HX410 was recommended as a highly effective electrostatic dust-suppression system for bulk materials, the dust from which can be returned to the production flow. According to the policy of StBG, this would make the HX410 eligible for a 30% credit toward its purchase by members of the StBG. 

A full copy of the report can be obtained from StBG.

* Source: StBG: Bericht über die Messung von Gefahrstoffen in der Luft in Arbeitsbereichen nach § 19 SGB VII, Messsystem der UV-Träger zur Gefährdungsermittlung – BGMG; qualitätsgesichert gemäß DIN EN ISO 9001: 2000, Vorgangsnummer:08/099/038, Page 18, 23. 06. 2008 

For further information, please contact:

Thomas Ossevorth

Product Manager / Business Support HX410 Dust Suppression and Dust Extraction

Phone: +49 5332 930923, Cell Phone: +4916097825593, Fax: +49 5332 93098923