Sandvik Mining Brazil achieves a 3 years without accidents in Votorantim Metais contract site

Sandvik Mining is pleased to inform that Sandvik Mining Brazil’s team responsible for the Votorantim Metais contract site has achieved a record of 3 years without accidents with or without lost time.

This is a new milestone in the company’s performance in Environment, Health and Safety (EHS), demonstrating the commitment of Sandvik Mining to fostering safe and efficient sites.

“This is a great achievement and I would like to congratulate Guilherme Ribeiro, Contract Manager and the whole team in Votorantim Metais. We work hard every day to improve our performance in EHS,” said Rafael Zenha, VP of Sales for Sandvik Mining Brazil.

“Results like these take maintained focus, determination and hard work,” added David Gardner, President for Sandvik Mining Americas.

Peter Larsen, VP EHS Sandvik Mining Americas states, “This is an important milestone of which on behalf of the whole Management Team, I would like to congratulate Guilherme and his team for the attention to the tasks at hand and getting them to perform safely.”

This only reflects the high standards and respect for Environment, Health and Safety in contract sites with which Sandvik and its collaborators operate in Brazil and around the world.

This distinction also strengthens Sandvik’s position as a strategic partner to Votorantim Metais thanks to the collaborative work between both companies, which only goes to show how valuable it is to adopt an EHS culture, while maintaining high standards of efficiency and productivity.