Ontario’s mining industry is facing a perfect storm of skills shortages – mining engineers and geologists – at a time of severe provincial budget constraints. These fiscal problems will only diminish the mineral sector’s post-secondary education programs at a time when global economies are experiencing the most extraordinary demands for metal products in the history of mankind – a commodity super cycle" /> Ontario’s mining industry is facing a perfect storm of skills shortages – mining engineers and geologists – at a time of severe provincial budget constraints. These fiscal problems will only diminish the mineral sector’s post-secondary education programs at a time when global economies are experiencing the most extraordinary demands for metal products in the history of mankind – a commodity super cycle" /> SAMSSA Argues for Consolidation of Ontario Mining Programs At Laurentian to Support Skills Shortages - MINING.COM

SAMSSA Argues for Consolidation of Ontario Mining Programs At Laurentian to Support Skills Shortages

The Sudbury Area Mining Supply and Service Association argues that Ontario must make Laurentian University into a global “Harvard of hardrock mining” in order to carry Canada through its current resource skills shortage.

Ontario’s mining industry is facing a perfect storm of skills shortages – mining engineers and geologists – at a time of severe provincial budget constraints. These fiscal problems will only diminish the mineral sector’s post-secondary education programs at a time when global economies are experiencing the most extraordinary demands for metal products in the history of mankind – a commodity super cycle