Safe Day Everyday Gold Award recipients honored at AME roundup

Kevin Buttimer, Coring Manager, Major Drilling, Bill Mercer, Chair, PDAC Health & Safety Committee, Candice Wingerter, Senior Health, Safety and Environment Advisor, Growth & Innovation, Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc. And Kim Bilquist, Chair, AME Environment, Health & Safety Committee. Image:

The Association for Mineral Exploration’s (AME) annual Roundup conference is in full swing this week in Vancouver and is drawing crowds at the Convention Centre.  On Wednesday, Anglo American hosted an Environment, Health and Safety Awards breakfast, honoring Safe Day Everyday Gold Award recipients, with a keynote address from Anglo American’s Regional Head of Discovery, Americas, Stuart McCraken.  

Gabrielle Herle, safety coordinator, Chinook Scaffold Systems was on hand to present on diversity, equity and inclusion, and how they contribute to a safe and healthy work environment.  

The Safe Day Every Day Gold winners were announced, congratulations to Major Drilling for achieving the third consecutive year of having the highest number of hours without a lost-time incident — at 1,200,066 hours. Rio Tinto Exploration Canada is also a recipient, for achieving 206,411 hours without a reportable injury.