Meteorite takes out roof and wall of Russian zinc factory

Zinc prices at the world’s major stock markets rose today after a meteorite explosion damaged a Russian zinc plant.

On the LME, zinc rose. For a three-month delivery, zinc rose 0.2 percent to $2,193 per ton according to Bloomberg.

The meteorite explosion in the stratosphere of the Russian Chelyabinsk region has injured over 1,000 people, according to the Russian Interior Ministry.

At roughly 9:15 a.m. local time, a massive shock wave from the explosion blew out window glass of buildings in Chelyabinsk, sending dozens to hospital. One of the buildings hit was Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant, which produced 160,000 metric tons of refined zinc and alloys last year.

The estimated 10-ton object lit up the sky as it surged towards Earth at 54,000 kph (33,000 mph). At some 30-50 km above ground, the meteor began to fragment.

This particular meteor is said to be unrelated to Asteroid DA14, despite the coincidental timing.

Raw video of the damaged zinc plant.

Someone filmed the sonic boom.

Video of building interiors when the meteor hit.

A dash cam in a car filmed the falling meteor.

The meteor fell in Russia’s Chelyabinsk Region.

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