RPMGlobal’s AMT improves asset performance

Image from RPMGlobal.

National Plant & Equipment, a company lending mining equipment, has increased its fleet availability during a period of growth after implementing RPMGlobal’s AMT solution for asset management.

AMT is RPMGlobal’s intelligent asset management software, which helps mining companies, contractors, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and their dealers effectively manage their assets using a unique Dynamic Life Cycle Costing (DLCC) engine.

The DLCC engine allows mining organizations to take a proactive approach to asset management by identifying asset life cycle risks and opportunities, controlling and limiting maintenance costs, reducing unplanned downtime and reporting on and analyzing drivers of asset performance.

National Plant & Equipment selected AMT during a period of high growth and was able to consistently meet reliability and availability targets by harnessing AMT’s DLCC engine.

AMT can integrate with any enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and provides a live zero-based forecast at any time

“AMT assisted the company in adopting a forward-looking, proactive approach to asset management that has been critical to its success,” Mark Ackroyd, national group managing director of National Plant & Equipment, said in a release. “AMT has permitted us to gauge the true costs of operating equipment across a multitude of sites while simplifying issues that accompany growth.”

AMT can integrate with any enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and provides a live zero-based forecast at any time, ensuring National Plant & Equipment consistently achieves an accurate, on-demand maintenance budget.

“We are now able to conduct real-time maintenance budgeting instead of relying on static maintenance plans, which has eliminated room for error. With AMT, we now have one source of truth for the business nation-wide, giving us an accurate view of asset management,” Ackroyd added.

Michael Baldwin, RPMGlobal’s Australian general manager, added that it was critical for mining contractors to have a centralized management solution to optimize asset management activities.

“Being proactive about asset management is a key competitive advantage for contractors, providing the ability to reduce unplanned downtime of equipment and keep operational costs low to maximize overall asset performance.”

(This article first appeared in the Canadian Mining Journal)