Release of Maptek Vulcan 64-bit version mine planning and design software

vulcan.jpgIn preparation for release of the Maptek VulcanTM 64-bit version, the company’s Forge newsletter interviewed Vulcan Product Manager, Eric Gonzalez, about upgrades and features expected in the new software. It will be available April 10, 2012 and provides 64-bit and 32-bit versions. There are improved grade shells, solid modelling from polygons, ROM composited strat models and a stripping ratio tool for strat models, along with some 100 smaller upgrades.What is the primary focus behind the new 64-bit version of Vulcan? “Our customers need to process data and models with a greater level of detail than previously possible. Current computer hardware is built with support for 64-bit, and many applications are transitioning to this standard. (more…)