April 1, 2021
Home: China’s aluminum imports underpin physical premium surge
Even the world’s largest producer - China - seems to be running short of aluminum.
April 1, 2021
Even the world’s largest producer - China - seems to be running short of aluminum.
April 1, 2021
Supporting a deep-sea mining moratorium is backing the environmental and social ills that come from land extraction, the company says.
April 1, 2021
With 16 active mines, Wyoming accounts for almost 40% of US coal production.
March 31, 2021
Two new reports argue for a leap in uranium prices as China commits to 46% increase in nuclear capacity, Europe designates it "green" and inventory is hoovered up.
March 31, 2021
Biden on Wednesday proposed spending $174 billion to promote EVs and increase the number of charging stations by 12-fold.
March 31, 2021
Gold is also on track for its worst quarterly performance since December 2016.
March 30, 2021
Gold vs the S&P 500 since end of gold standard indicates bullion’s bull run to resume based on historical norm. That, or stocks are in for a beating.
March 30, 2021
Final design and engineering of the commercial in-situ production facility and the procurement of other critical components is underway.
March 30, 2021
Further bond sell-off could push gold below $1,700, analyst says.
March 29, 2021
Moody's expects US thermal exports will increase to about 30-35 million tonnes in 2021, up from an EIA-estimated 27 million tonnes in 2020.
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