Country has long hailed its as-yet largely untapped deposits of gold and copper, among other minerals, as the future of its mining industry, especially amid output and price troubles for coal.
In 2018 the community succeeded in convincing a lower court to reverse dozens of previously granted mining concessions along the Aguarico river, arguing they had not been properly consulted about the developments.
Fitch has revised up significantly both its lithium carbonate and hydroxide price forecasts from 2021 to 2026 to incorporate higher global EV sales assumptions.
The Nov. 21 presidential vote, the first since months of angry protests over inequality rocked Chile in 2019, has become a polarized battle between a leftist coalition led by 35-year-old protest leader Gabriel Boric and ultraconservative José Antonio Kast.
A newly developed technique by University of Surrey and the University of São Paulo promises to improve renewable energy storage by making better supercapacitors.
A report by CSIRO states that unsophisticated models based on current supply levels and basic recycling rates promote mischaracterizations of the real opportunities in both metal mining and recycling.